Dr. Vijayendra Pratap, a student of Swami Kuvalayanandaji, is the Founder/ Director of SKY Foundation, President of the Yoga Research Society, and served as Director of the Yoga Program at the Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University
He is the author of A Teacher's Guide for Begining Yoga, Yoga Vision, Secrets of Hatha Vidya, Stories Retold, Yoga of Gheranda, and Yoga of Goraksa.
Dr. Pratap earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Applied Psychology, University of Bombay, and was a member of the Board of Editors of YOGA MIMAMSA, the international quarterly of Yoga research from 1966 to 1990
He has presented papers and conducted workshops at various conferences and institutions including the World Conference of Scientific Yoga, New Delhi; the XXth International Congress of Psychology, Tokyo; the Biofeedback Research Society Conference, Colorado; the International Yoga and Meditation Congresses, Chicago; the Third World Congress of Yoga, Sao Paulo; the Pan American Commission of Yoga, Sao Paulo; the Unity in Yoga Conference, Tamiment; the 19th Himalayan Institute Congress, Honesdale; the University of New Mexico School of Medicine; Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia; the Instituto Psicosomatica E Yoga, Torino; the Yoga for Peace Conference, Jerusalem; and the Yoga Research Society Conferences, Philadelphia.
Our founder,
Dr. Vijayendra Pratap